Spelling with the sound /k/

Fun facts

  • The sound /k/ can be spelled in at least 5 different ways: k as in kiss, c as in cat, ch as in ache, ck as in back, and x as in box! Surprised? Letter x represents two sounds as in the consonant blend /ks/. Letter x can only be used to spell /ks/ when it is part of a base word.

  • In English, letter C does not have the honor or representing a particular sound all by itself. C borrows for either the /k/ sound or the /s/ sound and it can also join up with letter h to create the digraph /ch/.

If you own this book, contact me for a guide to spelling with the /k/ sound on every page! raymentconsulting@gmail.com



Letter C does not have a sound of its own.  C borrows sound from letter k or letter s and sometimes even /sh/. 

Whenever letter c is followed by an e, i or y  in a word, ALWAYS read /s/.  Later when students have mastered this spelling pattern it is a good time to discuss other, less common words with soft C such as: “grocery and vicious”.

Do you already own a copy of this book? Want to have more fun spelling the /k/ sound? Contact me for more spelling tips and fun. raymentconsulting@gmail.com