According to a recently published study in Lancet Psychiatry, MRI images clearly show that children with ADHD have a brain structure that differs from that of children without ADHD. Researchers suggest that ADHD should be considered a neurological disorder. In the largest imaging study of ADHD conducted to date, investigators say,
We hope that this will help to reduce the stigma that ADHD is just a label for difficult children or caused by poor parenting. This is definitely not the case, and we hope that this work will contribute to a better understanding of the disorder. Martine Hoogman, PhD
Stacey recently attended a seminar about Neurobiology of the ADHD brain. For a closer look at ADHD through Stacey Rayment's focus as a mother, educator, and individual thriving with ADHD, please click on the link to her notes.
Famous ADHD: Justin Timberlake, Will Smith, Paris Hilton, Channing Tatum